Project Idea

Site dedicated to helping Del Norte students manage their mental health better.

// Java program to print greeting
class greet {
	public static void main(String[] args)

		System.out.println("Welcome to!"); // line that we are printing

greet.main(null); // calling the class to use
Welcome to!

Meet our team!

Using an array to print members of the team and their jobs on the team.

// Array with list of members and positions
String[][] positions = {{"Saumya", "Scrum Leader"},{"Serafina", "Deployment"}, {"Armaan", "Frontend"}, {"Prisha", "Backend"}};

// Printing out the array values side by side
[[Saumya, Scrum Leader], [Serafina, Deployment], [Armaan, Frontend], [Prisha, Backend]]